Bydgoszcz, Kujawsko-pomorskie

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<< Poprzednie og³oszenie

AP/AR Accountant (Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, or Swedish)


Odpowiedz: (U¿yj zak³adki Kontakt powy¿ej)

Typ og³oszenia: Dam Prace

Cpl Jobs is a part of the larger European recruitment and HR services group, Cpl Resources. We help the greatest talents to develop their careers and enable leading companies on the Polish and European market to find the best professionals. Currently we are looking for:

AP/AR Accountant (Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, or Swedish)

Nr Ref.: JO-1501-300958

&#8226; Performing day-to-day operational activities
&#8226; Handle incoming invoices
&#8226; Process coordination
&#8226; Performing day-to-day operational activities
&#8226; Working other departments
&#8226; Performing period-end activities
&#8226; Work closely Clients
&#8226; Solving derogations (underpayments, overpayments, deductions, etc.)

&#8226; Fluent Czech or Slovak
&#8226; Communicative knowledge of English
&#8226; Good command of the office software
&#8226; Previous experience as an accountant
&#8226; Openness and interpersonal skills

We offer:
&#8226; Working in international environment
&#8226; Ability to progress in the field of accounting
&#8226; Professional trainings
&#8226; Attractive social benefits package

Og³oszenie dodane: Czwartek, 02 Kwiecien, 2015  16:20

Identyfikator: 544201

Wy¶wietleñ: 3333

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Ten typ pliku nie jest dozwolony : exe, com, bat, vbs, js, jar, scr, pif
Maksymalny rozmiar pliku : 600KB

Podobne og³oszenia

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